PUC - Fuel Dealer Annual Registration

State of Vermont

Public Utility Commission

If your business sells heating fuel into or in Vermont, you've come to the right place to register. 

30 V.S.A. § 8124(b)(1) requires that each entity selling heating fuel1 into or in Vermont register annually with the Commission.2 Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 8124(f)(6), failure to register with the Commission is a violation of Vermont law, 9 V.S.A. chapter 63.

While this form allows for the capability to save and return to this form at another time, please keep in mind that the deadline to submit is January 31, 2024.  The data you provide should pertain to the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. 

Per the Commission's 1/26/24 Order Establishing Grace Period for Annual Registration, "we wish to communicate to would-be registrants that neither the Commission nor the Vermont Attorney General’s Office will seek enforcement action on the basis that a registration is filed late, so long as a registrant submits its annual registration form by February 29, 2024."

Heating fuel is defined in 30 V.S.A. § 8123(11) as "fossil-based heating fuel, including oil, propane, natural gas, coal, and kerosene."

Public Act 18 (2023 Vt., Bien. Sess.) (“Act 18”) is a bill that became law in May of 2023.  Act 18 includes many requirements that are effective now, including that entities who sell heating fuel into or in Vermont register with the Commission by January 31, 2024.

For more information and an overview of the Commission's work done to date on the potential Clean Heat Standard, please see the website linked here.

Registering Business Information

This section tells the Commission about your business that sells heating fuel into or in Vermont.

Note: If you happen to skip a required question (indicated by *), the form will guide you back through every subsequent page to ensure that all necessary information is provided.

Primary contact person information

This section tells the Commission about the person with whom we should communicate if we have questions.
Please certify that this individual has been designated by the registering business as the primary contact person.

Secondary contact person information

This section tells the Commission about another person with whom we should communicate if the first person is unavailable.
Please certify that this individual has been designated by the registering business as a secondary contact person

Heating Fuel Overview

This section will help the Commission determine whether your business is an obligated party and whether you need to fill out the rest of the form. The calendar year is January 1 - December 31, 2023.
In the past calendar year, did you have title to any heating fuel at the time that it was imported into Vermont?
Please indicate all types of heating fuel that you imported. Check all fuel types that apply from the list.
In the past calendar year, did you produce, refine, manufacture, or compound any heating fuel in Vermont?
Heating oil (gallons)
Propane (gallons)
Natural Gas (Mcf)
Coal (short tons)
Kerosene (gallons)
Other (indicate units)
In the past calendar year, did you sell any heating fuel in Vermont?
Please indicate all types of heating fuel that you sold. Check all fuel types that apply from the list.
Was any of this fuel purchased from a supplier within the state of Vermont?
Please indicate all types of heating fuel that you purchased. Check all fuel types that apply from the list.
In the past calendar year, did you import into Vermont, or produce, refine, manufacture, or compound any heating fuel in Vermont that you did NOT SELL in Vermont (e.g. consumed for heating use, stored)?
What did you do with the heating fuel that you imported, produced, refined, manufactured, or compounded but did not sell in Vermont? Check all that apply from the following:
Heating oil (gallons)
Propane (gallons)
Natural Gas (Mcf)
Coal (short tons)
Kerosene (gallons)
Other (indicate units)
Heating oil (gallons)
Propane (gallons)
Natural Gas (Mcf)
Coal (short tons)
Kerosene (gallons)
Other (indicate units)
Heating oil (gallons)
Propane (gallons)
Natural Gas (Mcf)
Coal (short tons)
Kerosene (gallons)
Other (indicate units)
Heating oil (gallons)
Propane (gallons)
Natural Gas (Mcf)
Coal (short tons)
Kerosene (gallons)
Other (indicate units)

Note: 30 V.S.A. § 8123(12) defines "Obligated party" as "[a] regulated natural gas utility serving customers in Vermont, [or] [f]or other heating fuels, the entity that imports heating fuel for ultimate consumption within the State, or the entity that produces, refines, manufactures, or compounds heating fuel within the State for ultimate consumption within the State. For the purpose of this section, the entity that imports heating fuel is the entity that has ownership title to the heating fuel at the time it is brought into Vermont."

30 V.S.A. § 8123(11) defines “Heating fuel” as “fossil-based heating fuel, including oil, propane, natural gas, coal, and kerosene.”

Thank you for completing this information, you do not need to continue filling out this registration form. We appreciate your time.

Details about the heating oil that you imported into Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the HEATING OIL that you indicated you imported into the state of Vermont. Please provide information about every business from which you bought heating oil to import into Vermont in the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. The Commission will use this information to determine whether you would be an obligated party.

Details about the propane that you imported into Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the PROPANE that you indicated you imported into the state of Vermont. Please provide information about every business from which you bought propane to import into Vermont in the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. The Commission will use this information to determine whether you would be an obligated party.

Details about the natural gas you imported into Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the NATURAL GAS that you indicated you imported into the state of Vermont. Please provide information about every business from which you bought natural gas to import into Vermont in the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. The Commission will use this information to determine whether you would be an obligated party.

Details about the coal you imported into Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the COAL that you indicated you imported into the state of Vermont. Please provide information about every business from which you bought coal to import into Vermont in the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. The Commission will use this information to determine whether you would be an obligated party.

Details about the kerosene you imported into Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the KEROSENE that you indicated you imported into the state of Vermont. Please provide information about every business from which you bought kerosene to import into Vermont in the last calendar year, January 1 - December 31, 2023. The Commission will use this information to determine whether you would be an obligated party.

Details about heating oil purchased in Vermont

Details about propane purchased in Vermont

Details about natural gas purchased in Vermont

Details about coal purchased in Vermont

Details about kerosene purchased in Vermont

Details about the heating oil you sold in Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the HEATING OIL you indicated you sold in the state of Vermont in the last calendar year. This information will help the Commission determine whether the heating fuel you sold was used for ultimate consumption in Vermont.
Was any of the heating oil you sold in Vermont sold for RESALE?

Details about the propane you sold in Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the PROPANE you indicated you sold in the state of Vermont. This information will help the Commission determine whether the propane you sold was used for ultimate consumption in Vermont.
Was any of the propane you sold in Vermont sold for RESALE?

Details about the natural gas you sold in Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the NATURAL GAS you indicated you sold in the state of Vermont in the last calendar year. This information will help the Commission determine whether the heating fuel you sold was used for ultimate consumption in Vermont.
Was any of the natural gas you sold in Vermont sold for RESALE?

Details about the coal you sold in Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the COAL you indicated you sold in the state of Vermont in the last calendar year. This information will help the Commission determine whether the heating fuel you sold was used for ultimate consumption in Vermont.
Was any of the coal you sold in Vermont sold for RESALE?

Details about the kerosene you sold in Vermont

Please fill out fuel information for the KEROSENE you indicated you sold in the state of Vermont in the last calendar year. This information will help the Commission determine whether the heating fuel you sold was used for ultimate consumption in Vermont.
Was any of the kerosene you sold in Vermont sold for RESALE?

Signature Page

Please note that your registration obligation is met only if the form is complete, contains accurate information, and is successfully submitted. The Commission will follow up with your business for additional details if needed.

To keep a record of the information you've provided, click the print icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (please note the spreadsheet entries may not appear correctly in all browsers). Keep in mind that the form is considered submitted only after clicking 'submit.' Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation email.